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涿琛砰土帷砰?/span></td> <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_posting_mode_quote_p_35862.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_quote.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span class="postbody">. <br /> . <br /> <span style="color: red">б故帐压恃?没〉缘伊千猛 :</span> <br /> * 茄灌室渺⑼?鸦匆遂崦、艇啻淄 ....... 浠氛枨汛韭绚σ靡 (茄脆首? 让栈眯ㄑ沟 守久贸贺谜, <br /> * 茄灌室渺⑼?鸦匆遂氛枋艇⑼о醋凸 ..... 浠氛枨汛脱辆茄 (伺千捐外斯瑙) 释Ь砧归艇 守久贸贺谜, <br /> * 茄灌室渺⑼?鸦匆遂氛枋伊⑼о醋凸 ..... 浠茄捶枰涤斯选 嗑?唷闪 崧」っ?氯谜 工没傲, <br /> * 茄灌室渺⑼?鸦匆遂氛枋砧⑼о醋凸 ........ 浠茄词榱唷耪槁 恪砰饷А猛Щ眯灰 ?千崴枪敌茄沟 <br /> * 啻淄狗砧琳 5 嗍颐 嗍颐旆砧 5 ⑼о醋凸 ... 浠茄捶罔?朽匆 峄脓乱 ┬嗒鸳喾靡 <br /> ** 吨Ж卮拐 唷傻谩猛乱°碎б故循?浠脓 氛桎斯$浯 翟吹柰烈 举搐芈⊙广姑衣判嗤章 <br /> <br /> *** 茄龚压访 坟∏压ㄑ狗渺 喋疽星压ㄑ狗渺 柿?收恃躬涨缘浞 ?へ撑枰? (081) 944-8494 <br /> 浠氛璧乓垂汛茄赐撩?翟 从喙怨市辞 靡?孛 .... <br /> <br /> *********************************************************************** <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: blue"> <br /> <span style="font-size: 24px; line-height: normal"> .......................... <span style="font-weight: bold"> ⒁ <span style="font-style: italic"> ! </span> 涿琛砰土帷砰 </span> ........................... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> 描 砰 砰 ?/span> <br /> <br /> 氛璧验 : <br /> 嗯⒎砧 114 肆勹 1 洪夜啖要柰 ?啖沂伊试核液 ?疯伊小? ?∫?购孛 <br /> ㄘ词学唷地 吐勹伺学茄脆⒁?艇狙补颐伊 幻辛页 1  . <br /> 髓咬ㄒ∈伊崧》枰列∫ 8 ×. <br /> 斯橐是购橐 (是? 豆古掖乱с? 10 砰褪枪⊙逛撮 <br /> <br /> ⒐掖 : <br /> 17 涿 300 狄靡? <br /> <br /> 茄刀鼗眯失れ : <br /> 1..... 嗷绻是谷帧梢. 疯艇喾砧虑 崤型关醚∩焓澡п谴砰土 <br /> 2..... 嗷绻啶米柰Ь允侉轨 "す淞桎撮嗝章灌∩得烈獯碌莽 <br /> 室烈枚 酚/释 唷傻娩撮" <br /> 3..... 嗷绻崴盆о谜鹿觅槭铀醚亨∩得∶ 崤屑匍使悒费枨浠 <br /> 4..... 嗷绻撩础淝殂碎刨∷乓 <br /> <br /> ≡ā妹 : <br /> 1. 慌佟淞榧? 淞榛眯囱? 佳∈枪っ亚. <br /> 2. 崴盆Ы帧б 谷.识液压佃咬 崤小咆枇唷傻谩 <br /> 3. 寂缘回肼/瓮渺饬?室檬⊙词霖逛久 酚悛 ⒁碌莽假殂? <br /> <br /> 肆衣嗨地 : <br /> 喙楣≡ā妹链橐咕转 淞栲耪槁?训庆嗑靡袖凌吐摇酚阂 <br /> <br /> <br /> 觅会汉是 : <br /> 1..... 咀楣靡郝∶柰п碎? 甸灌嫡槁. 慌佟岷好新歇源 (4 x 4 ?). 慌佟岷好新歇源驹嗳 (1.75 ? x 1.75 ?) 崧∴荤光? 嗑阻亭且潦辞°埂颐河秘с贯佃判眯滦狙补摇颐 <br /> <br /> 2..... ∫煤用丕咀?汉 "驮狗谜蚂 褂 - 啶琳 嗍迷 - 狄沥且拎肆倚柿" <br /> <br /> 崴盆Ч橛 : <br /> 归营呕眯芬? 归雍掖遗. 拭泄橛⒐掖 200 得.? (醚汗橛ㄒ—呕眯芬 崤泻柰阂匆? 闼楣橛撮锹眯汉驶迷о⊥渺岷横隆猥 <br /> 岬枧锈?琳肆橥回肼幻楔逾? <br /> <br /> 肆衣嗨地 : <br /> 愎猛 1 徽 ?幻蟹夜寺卮疏Ч橛 2 啻淄 ?千拐榈橥с?归雍掖遗 <br /> <br /> <a href="/http:/modules_name_Content_pa_showpage_pid_17.html" title="vsin sports betting" target="_blank">http:/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=17</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> </span> </span> <br /> **************************************************************************** <br /> **************************************************************************** <br /> <br /> . <span style="font-style: italic"> </span></span><span class="gensmall"><br /><br />帷殇ⅳ醚椐守捶橐骡绰 kimzagass 嗔阻 28/10/2023 12:51 pm, 帷殇⒎验?链 18 っ验?/span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row1" width="150" align="left" valign="middle"><span class="nav"><a href="#top" class="nav">∨押浠㈤咬汗</a></span></td> <td class="row1" width="100%" height="28" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="18" width="18"> <tr> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_profile_mode_viewprofile_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_profile.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> <a href="/modules_name_Private_Messages_file_index_mode_post_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_pm.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting"疏Б枰鞘颐疏枪笛? 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12/07/2009<br />低? 11567<br /></span><br /></td> <td class="row2" width="100%" height="28" valign="top"><table class="tableFixed" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="100%"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_p_35885_35885.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.jpg" width="12" height="9" alt="vsin sports betting"低? border="0" /></a><span class="postdetails">低? 23/04/2023 4:56 pm<span class="gen"> </span>   ?柰∶蟹匍: </span></td> <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_posting_mode_quote_p_35885.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_quote.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span class="postbody">. <br /> . <br /> <span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: normal"> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> <span style="font-weight: bold"> MOTIVATION </span> <br /> <br /> *** ぴ?窃啶靡兴?嗷谜潞喾章 汗嗨地崤屑 :</span> <br /> 喙组头砧 1 涿?... <br /> - 斯柰淞槊恰 闼榧偶旁 300 っ验 /徽 <br /> - 列久橐 闼榧偶旁 16-18 っ验 /徽 <br /> - 灰澎凉橛裂 闼榧偶旁 20-24 っ验 /徽 <br /> - 逝 眯∮ ?举 矫谚 列⊥」橛 ⒐毓 列判⊥ 闼榧偶旁邓乓骆 骀 っ验 /徽 <br /> - 淞榧欧星衣闼榧偶旁 2-3 っ验 /徽 <br /> - 岬р 幛沟遗倩 脓磷突刨》亍茄狗砧 1 ⑼о醋凸 っ悍亍啻淄广姑秃徽 ㄐ琳寂寂缘闼猷$轰撮啻淄古肖醚椐 <br /> <br /> - 唷傻冕?ぞ缤 嗒韫 ∨榍滤土喾取遗, 佳—账归医? 帷榍裂А玫秘扫展, <br /> - 寂寂缘嗑澡 嗒韫 视恍伺学浯 30+ 笛?涿 烷吐浯 50+ 笛?涿 ㈤仪浯 2+ 笛?涿 <br /> - 峄妹倩拭橐Я倥よ ㈤仪慌佟 ㈤仪久橥了丕 <br /> - 吓 <br /> <br /> <br /> ............................<span style="color: red"> 回ī 窃恃??/span> ......................................... <br /> <span style="color: blue"> ........... 酚吐枰о丛 = 浯橥妈咬啻粤 浯楣橥隆氰亦丛 ......................... <br /> .......... ぴ淬肆 酚闼凌 = 浯榇铡氰亦丛 浯榱摇∏枰啻粤 ....................... <br /> ................. 喙组头砧 1 涿 酚 1 徽 ..... 浯 1 っ验 ............................ <br /> ........... 喙组头砧 1 涿 酚 1 徽 ..... 浯樗乓?伺衣-伺衣 っ验 ............... <br /> <br /> .......... ⒁落撮喾枰啻粤 浯猷疯尧橐Ш橐 岬璧楣坟古 ぷ汀愉绵驹枇 ............ <br /> ............ 略瑙酚略瑙嗷绻斯臻 嗑靡 .... 甸狗毓寿 甸狗毓寿?慌枰 ................ <br /> <br /> ........ 坟·灌≡戳 唷瑙喾枰⊙ 觅猷疯摇压 ..... 岬 峋?? ⊙ 氛桠汀沂 ........ <br /> ............ 嗝阻艇ц衣酚淞桎撮 .... 嗝阻艇乱》愉撮 ........ 嗑靡 ?悒? ............ <br /> <br /> ..................... 酚归吐 .............. 酚顿 = 浯榱摇 ........................ <br /> ..................... 酚烈 .............. 酚荚 = 浯楣橥 ........................ <br /> <br /> .................... す氛瑷歇枨锣靡浯榇辗砧守 ぷ す愎∶楔 ....................... </span> <br /> <br /> <a href="/http:/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_t_6829_sid_1ba666bf5edd7c3414e378056c415d9a.html" title="vsin sports betting" target="_blank">http:/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=6829&sid=1ba666bf5edd7c3414e378056c415d9a</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ㄒ : (093) 829-02xx <br /> ㈤亭且 : ?呵元谚沽芯瞄仪涿琛砰土帷砰 500 甸 浯榕佟 500 沸乓 沸乓屡?0 刨 ⒁屡佟判 5 阂 佃袜醋凸 徽判 16 っ验 <br /> <br /> ㄒ : (089) 772-91xx <br /> ㈤亭且 : 酚б沟磐椿珍撮⒁录偶旁 伺衣伺衣 伺衣伺衣っ验 ?毫摇 ?毫摇 列久橐 列久橐 崤辛芯瞄仪 <br /> <br /> <a href="/http:/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_t_7117_sid_732b35285d08f5cdc5df74811061a624.html" title="vsin sports betting" target="_blank">http:/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7117&sid=732b35285d08f5cdc5df74811061a624</a> <br /> <br /> </span> <br /> .</span><span class="gensmall"><br /><br />帷殇ⅳ醚椐守捶橐骡绰 kimzagass 嗔阻 07/06/2023 6:35 am, 帷殇⒎验?链 2 っ验?/span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2" width="150" align="left" valign="middle"><span class="nav"><a href="#top" class="nav">∨押浠㈤咬汗</a></span></td> <td class="row2" width="100%" height="28" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="18" width="18"> <tr> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_profile_mode_viewprofile_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_profile.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> <a href="/modules_name_Private_Messages_file_index_mode_post_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_pm.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting"疏Б枰鞘颐疏枪笛? 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12/07/2009<br />低? 11567<br /></span><br /></td> <td class="row1" width="100%" height="28" valign="top"><table class="tableFixed" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="100%"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_p_35985_35985.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.jpg" width="12" height="9" alt="vsin sports betting"低? border="0" /></a><span class="postdetails">低? 02/06/2023 9:10 am<span class="gen"> </span>   ?柰∶蟹匍: </span></td> <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_posting_mode_quote_p_35985.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_quote.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span class="postbody">. <br /> . <br /> <span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: normal"><span style="color: blue"> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> 寡「孛≡ㄠ∩得仑ゃ肆 : <br /> * 涿琛砰土帷砰 茄构臻.... <br /> * 淞榧怕坠甸 闼榧偶旁滇砰 </span> <br /> 列凌千 100 甸? 庞渎 50 甸? 矫谚 150 甸? 列久橐 20 甸 <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 淞榧怕坠甸 闼榧偶旁点 2-3 徽㈤咬斯橐 </span>. <br /> 列久橐蔷压肛爨嫡槁 900 甸 <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 淞榕榱咆 岖?岱谩 淞榧 </span> . <br /> 幛沟遗倩, 嗔盆凸, 岬р? 列啖淄, 久浴, ∶朽ㄕ曷? ∶朽疽, 馑眯疽, 崃?选, 吓 <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 是贯髓?挂さ </span> . <br /> 馕潦嗟蚂迷潦眯, 馕潦嗟蚂愎揣列久橐? 馕潦嗟蚂愎揣淞榧? 是埂裔? ㄓ斯枰戮压肛熹灵 (列久橐 列凌千 矫谚?, 嗯臻搂慌 (乖裴揣 逝源 褐 抡枋?, 酚列久橐恰蟹? 归恿芯瞄仪≡故 <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 酚悛?酚⒁?酚屺?酚喾吩椐 </span> . <br /> 归铀裂∶朽涸脆对脆吩 (室眯狙词俚?, 柿毓渚寐夜缤 (寿得喋疽 寿得们亮缘?, 肆橥回肼斯橐猥 <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 洪夜ㄑ词妹 </span> . <br /> 咀楣氛 100, 200 得.? 淞枇锗室淇块诣 (淇块遗Т怨) 伺学判 1,000,000 (+) <br /> <br /> <span style="font-weight: bold"> * 饷Ё夜峄妹倩寂寂缘芬А颐唷傻 </span> . <br /> - ㈤仪 ........ ㄒ—仪挂愎咀楣氛 <br /> - 列久橐 .... ㄒ∈枪笛青艇 是 柿? 费椐洹砰崤袖∨ <br /> - 嗦排砧列久橐 <br /> - 归恿压列久橐鞘⊙脆络 <br /> - 渫取谜凉橛列久橐 <br /> - 归恿芯瞄仪蚀 好猫丌谴寿?摇胰 唷绾浯楣夜㈤伊徽 ㄓ斯枨路谚氢拧 <br /> - 归恿压列久橐鞘⊙脆络 幛缁? 唷绾浯楣夜㈤伊徽 ㄓ斯枨路谚氢拧 <br /> - 崧亮芯瞄仪丸凸 好猫丌谴寿?摇胰 唷绾浯楣夜㈤伊徽 ㄓ斯枨路谚氢拧 <br /> - 寂缘姥潮炝芯瞄仪疏?汀 ぷ 列久橐鞘 列久橐轻碎 鬼伊压列久橐 嗍楣懵∫毫芯瞄仪 ∫∴棺橥列久橐 <br /> </span> </span> <br /> <br /> .</span><span class="gensmall"><br /><br />帷殇ⅳ醚椐守捶橐骡绰 kimzagass 嗔阻 20/07/2023 5:17 pm, 帷殇⒎验?链 10 っ验?/span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row1" width="150" align="left" valign="middle"><span class="nav"><a href="#top" class="nav">∨押浠㈤咬汗</a></span></td> <td class="row1" width="100%" height="28" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="18" width="18"> <tr> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_profile_mode_viewprofile_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_profile.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> <a href="/modules_name_Private_Messages_file_index_mode_post_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_pm.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting"疏Б枰鞘颐疏枪笛? 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12/07/2009<br />低? 11567<br /></span><br /></td> <td class="row2" width="100%" height="28" valign="top"><table class="tableFixed" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="100%"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_p_35989_35989.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.jpg" width="12" height="9" alt="vsin sports betting"低? border="0" /></a><span class="postdetails">低? 04/06/2023 10:51 am<span class="gen"> </span>   ?柰∶蟹匍: </span></td> <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_posting_mode_quote_p_35989.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_quote.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span class="postbody">. <br /> . <br /> <span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: normal"> <br /> 临扭枰蹬掖列久橐氢拧 驼 4 徽 2 肆阻古橐灌嗣章 ?浞? ⊙悍咬嗯淄》砧疏?汀幛 ?ㄕ? : <br /> <a href="https://www.thebusinessplus.com/coconut-2/" target="_blank">https://www.thebusinessplus.com/coconut-2/</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 列久橐卿仿 疏?汀獾唷怨ひ ?鞘枪灰垂橛狄 靡ひ淞栲荤垢妹 : <br /> <a href="https://www.thairath.co.th/scoop/interview/2577860" target="_blank">https://www.thairath.co.th/scoop/interview/2577860</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> へ锣孔柰 嗝阻艇 ?列久橐? 馔∫梳判で伊烽曳衣⑼т仿愎蹬掖ㄕ : <br /> <a href="https://thaibizchina.com" target="_blank">https://thaibizchina.com</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 嗤绻?猡猡寡 裂韫悒蹬掖列久橐枪橛送沥狗谚氢拧翟淬?茄古嗅使刨′凌就⒁? ????锹斯毓守存 : <br /> <a href="https://www.kasetkaoklai.com" target="_blank">https://www.kasetkaoklai.com</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 慌佟列久橐枪橛送 凑∏枰吐枰?阻 嗑靡械乓吹橥А颐 寡》柰о氛杪迁展乖铝烈 : <br /> <a href="https://www.sentangsedtee.com/exclusive/article_198773" target="_blank">https://www.sentangsedtee.com/exclusive/article_198773</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 识夜∫贸臁颐寂缘列久橐 : <br /> <a href="https://www.doa.go.th" target="_blank">https://www.doa.go.th</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 列久橐枪橛送 斯骤с辜配灵氛韫枰慌佟 : <br /> <a href="https://www.arda.or.th/knowledge_detail/php/id=88" target="_blank">https://www.arda.or.th/knowledge_detail.php?id=88</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 8 光潞衣列久橐恰橐卿∨ : <br /> <a href="https://think.moveforwardparty.org/article/agriculture/3893/" target="_blank">https://think.moveforwardparty.org/article/agriculture/3893/</a> <br /> <br /> <br /> 归恿芯瞄仪久橥链阻 ㄐ反岱构橛列久橐鞘存 浯樗米弯凌 ? : <br /> <a href="https://marketeeronline.co/archives/36684" target="_blank">https://marketeeronline.co/archives/36684</a> <br /> <br /> ...................................................................................................................... <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㄒ : </span> 08 719x 842x <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㈤亭且 : </span>觅榱芯瞄仪觅椤眯ㄨ咬岬柰妈咬啻章 岬栲?杪仟噎喽源ㄐ唷源寂 列久橐桥丕ぴ谅 优学释 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㄒ : </span> 09 571x 841x <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㈤亭且 : </span> 猡韫吩椐列凌千 200 甸 脓列久橐 500 甸 峦撩押峦撩押 仍陕爨¤忆描∨橥玲∨榱 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㄒ : </span>(093) 829-02xx <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㈤亭且 : </span> ?呵元谚沽芯瞄仪涿琛砰土帷砰 500 甸 浯榕佟 500 沸乓 沸乓屡?0 刨 ⒁屡佟判 5 阂 佃袜醋凸 徽判 16 っ验 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㄒ : </span>(089) 772-91xx <br /> <span style="color: red"> ㈤亭且 : </span> 酚б沟磐椿珍撮⒁录偶旁 伺衣伺衣 伺衣伺衣っ验 ?毫摇 ?毫摇 列久橐 列久橐 崤辛芯瞄仪 <br /> <br /> * 闼猷∨淄帷 脱得 1/2  ./甸 (闼榧偶旁滇砰?/6 啻淄 で氦勹⊙汗橛肆选啶米柰с够乓沸嗯 嗷绻∫绵驹枇敢地猥啻章? 嗣淄闼榱倥ら咬ひ 1-2 ∮磷?甸 (闼榧偶旁滇砰? /6 啻淄 嗷绻∫绵驹枇敢地客士兔咽. 崤锈会凳喃章? 雇〃摇ㄐ?锹闼榱芯瞄仪归铀且沽彰仕且龚汛崤榍卵И枨裸碎屯〈汀翟醇糯闸珠雇铡撮锹 嗣淄闼棰臻岽垂亦∨淄 1-2  ./甸 (闼榧偶旁滇砰? /6 啻淄 <br /> <br /> * 列久橐枪橛送?归铀且 甸狗砧柿嘿贸齑 ㄐ屯〃谚狗亍 20 茄贯判琳芬о≡淬肆璺亍 20 茄 嗔阻弯撮 1 芬?柰了烈露支ㄑ韫 1 ㄑ韫 崤 1 ㄑ韫妈土肆衣吨 1 沸乓 嗍镣 <br /> <br /> * 低菏雇У柰 归?回肼 ㈤伊徽 ∨枰扦淄 ∫勉碎归油妈咬嗑章Ь歪判闼榛仉裸灌醋凸愦⑼Щ展臻 甸构验龚惺梁倜踌崤榍屯〃谚沟源寂愎啻淄灌凑虑⊙孩艇徽秘瑙⒅楣嗍镣 <br /> <br /> * 徽愦闼榧偶旁倒橥裸躬枨?归裔砰 崾揣氰要枨?归裔砰Б艇徽氛栳砰 列久橐堑楣寡楣⒁础颐河秘р绰喋疽泄橛吐枰Ф佟甸艇崤朽菊搂就寡韫嗤 .... 嗣淄∫梅砧列久橐倾碎寂寂缘凑?千斯橐焦崾揣氰伊芯瞄仪甸构验逛撮醚汗橛?瑙嗷绻?千拇俳龚摇嗔阻突辗砧艰夜烈寡韫嗤 <br /> <br /> * 愎甸狗砧琳费椐赐〉倭 赐『夜 寂嗯纭 寂∨咬 寂闼? 崤屑裴¤恪砰唷绾唷砧虑屯′盆庞囱骸压烈寡楣闼楹用丕撮锹寿得仕幻歇要业 2 猛 逝押撮锹幛培?铝 夂猛 1 猛 髓咬⊙姑秃判 15 茄 獯漏沾捐狗咬愫闼殁?费椐愕殂汉广号Ф支咀楣 坟 20-30 茄 雇〃摇ㄐ?锹闼橥汀赐〉源寂凑崤榍 卵Х鱼碎へ忱揖⑼Ъ偶旁荡蔗判甸逛凌夥昧驼〈榍 <br /> <br /> * ?汗橛岷号选ㄗ磁选啶缌 (归臃朽泞珠苟支) 嗣淄好脏浅归印描吐狄粮妹联业 咀楣氛杌刨》砧淞枇展橛岷号选ㄗ磁选啶缌嗣淄淞枇展橛∶柰裸碎闶栲∨淄帷рす甸 1/2-1  . /甸 (闼榧偶旁滇砰? /徽 嗣淄闼椤摇归踊乓/∫』乓瞄 氛瑜验构橛屯∷链崤榍际痢押回肼ね 1 : 10 脱得 10-20  . /甸 (闼榧偶旁滇砰? /徽....∫煤用丕獯陆学慌曳朽藕迷嗲斥す甸灌⒌访Ь罔粱张肖醚椐 愎慌曳朽帕这?凑铝. 崤型辛遭?寿А氰一乓归莹状ㄐ疏Ъ陪碎列久橐鞘梁倜踌凑⒅楣 <br /> <br /> * 坟∈衣狙垢仂嗨烈惺镣妈咬烈∈铀醚骸颐慌佟岷菏枪隆描艇归铀盆 嗑靡械楣甸艇浯槊押归拥磐脆桥耀骤Ж惺瑙寂闼橥汀ㄑ韫翟醇配撮蹬痛徽 疏枪是咕组姑液嗝章核米途组姑液隆描艇崴椐刨】佟$就浯獒佃甸艇吨Ч橛?鸳 .... 氛琛楣描艇归 闶栲壬?【转 回肼ね ㄘ旁狗谜蚂 吓 崤榍慌柰裸碎肆选吐勹愕楣橛¢姑柰?妈咬寡楣 ㄒ」验龚支磐∴殴¢姑柰Б珠咕俟猡沟楣嗣淄恃贯慌Щ张 1-2 っ验А绋袖撮回肼河秘Я芯瞄仪吐枰Т这绰淞璧橥Ь骤Ь一仉锣ち蔗灵岬栲羚脆凑虑 <br /> <br /> * 回肼驮狗谜蚂氛璐帐铀醚毫芯瞄仪 ぷ ⒄猷堕宜米投枰狗咬列久橐倾毫芯瞄仪. 唷抛歪¨. ∫』乓氛栲伺淄ㄒ 颐酚归踊乓. ∫』乓瞄? 矩Щ乓沸嗯蚀捍判嗤章醇柿归用掖猡沟楣费枨咀楣氛璺莽矩枇嗣淄窖о壬?』乓沸嗯猡沟楣 4-5 伺亓.费椐拐 愎驮狗谜蚂茄刀卮学∨枰橇帐颐猥啻章莲骤с公摇恃登旃橛ㄗ翠凌琳 <br /> <br /> * 慌佟列久橐敲粤づ艇氛栲米图枰购柰骆 嗣淄列久橐敲粤豆狗砧枚崤韫艰夜鸿吐 渫嗍章嗝淄崤忻定歇枨裸碎列久橐堑楣寡楣屯〈汀翟醇糯〈闸珠 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 喾す预驹嗳伞颐慌佟列久橐 : </span> <br /> - 慌佟列久橐轻汉伺亓啻章 3 嗣淄 4 甸 眯滦髓咬眯饲枰У楣 1-1.5 ? 崤榍河秘У伊弧翟 嗔阻偷楣费椐肆淬顾咆拎凑虑⊙光耽珠 峦储艇岬枧械楣ㄐ?橥汀ㄒ 压嗤Т榍路匀芬Х砧喾枰妗压嗑阻退裔失岽 岷汗臻雇〃摇酚闼榛眯寺汛喙组头砧崤榍卵т撮霖亮艇⑼Ц妹联业苑砧是箩慌⊥铡撮锹 <br /> <br /> - 寡∏元摇颐驮灌凑碌凸列久橐谴榍虑愿铡颐低沟楣淞楦妹链益 屯∶摇凑崤榍笛磁Я一刨 列久橐堑凸甸构验构汀ㄒ〃型汀ㄑ韫闼榧诺柰喙阻艇浯猷怕崤榍卵У楣嗟臻峦铡撮锹 <br /> <br /> - 列久橐堑楣啻章 6 峦淬碎寂寂缘凑坟÷痛 吐勹氛韬橐顾徘 肆勹 1 ?崃璧阻 ?土‰吐 ?嗒章с肆 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 嗟谜铝峄脓 : </span> <br /> ㄑ瘁慌п汉是孤∶柰Ч橛伺柰 恃姑柰А情咬 6-8 ? 寿Ж摇荚蔷组姑写押 80 ?.-1 ?猡椐伺学嗟枰 描艇归印情咬荚枪橛 1-1.20 ? 胖 1-1.5 ? ¢故秃 50 ?. 嗣淄ㄑ瘁慌п汉是孤∶柰п碎?佟抠 獯陇且痢情咬 で伊寿Б艇恃贯慌 崤忻柰?兴氰咬峄脓喾枰⊙埂押是贯汉隆描艇归铀盆歪佃愎描艇眯饲枰п慌т凌琳归 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 眯滦慌佟 : </span> <br /> - 眯滦弧翟 8 X 8 ?嗣淄 8 X 10 ? <br /> - 眯滦? 6 X 6 ? <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 肆衣嗨地 : </span> <br /> 列久橐欠砧慌佟髓咬ü琳?艇氰咬眯饲枰У楣 1-2 ?ㄐ闼榧偶旁荡铡氰曳验Щ迷烈翅判へ忱揖嗔阻袜幻章亨氛潞⊙旱楣列久橐欠砧慌佟墩杷米酮源⊙龚埂眯费瑙慌衣芬о÷费韩橥埂压 费椐拐 甸狗砧髓咬⊙沽摘柰?枰?兴氰咬甸沽摇 ㄐ?锹闼殇撮崾п创嗟缌氛 帕狙醇枰故辞—枨戮汛疽判屯о∈ ⊙悍验т凌嗷绻崴盆?惺菱盲崤嗅僚?铡撮锹 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 嗟谜铝丛贯判驮狗谜蚂茄刀 : </span> <br /> - 闶杌仉陇汀 (临徘亚喙组?沽 + 临配¤洧?喙组?埂∶蟹 (崴椐唷枰㈤伊徽) 徽判 2 っ验 <br /> - 闶琚臻岽垂亦∨淄 徽判 1 っ验 <br /> - 闼棰臻茄洽臻洹栳∨捍院 徽判 1 っ验 <br /> - 闼楣橛肆选?抢揖眯嗪源喽源喾鸳 徽判 1-2 っ验 <br /> - づ亓猡沟楣撮锹嗳删转崴椐斯益嗟缌咀楣氛韬迷嗲撤莽矩枇 砰油汀浠吨Ч汀啖捣莽矩枇 <br /> - 闼榛仉鹿橛?抢揖寿得眯嗪源喽源喾鸳 (喙楣...慌曳朽?嗣淄ㄘ旁狗谜蚂 1-2 啻淄?っ验 <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 肆衣嗨地 : </span> <br /> - ∫媒学?∈训庆 嗒韫 送锣?谜 慌沂 嗷绻?楣喾枰刨×泄仪嗣淄捍判嗤章 氛瑾衣啖捣莽矩枇 4-5 伺亓/甸狗莽矩枇 3-5 ? 窖Щ锗情够 嗑阻豌碎甸沽帐颐鸵艘谩怨蹬痛 24 ?. 佃袜棺柰?乓骆徽ㄐ酚闼榈楣琳で伊柿嘿贸焓侑久橥恋柰∫煤用丕坟、验沟凸 <br /> <br /> - 是孤∶柰Ч橛伺柰 峁泄鱼碎闶柰怨访章烨训敦脓浠愎归 岐璺蚤т情㈤伊徽 崤榍磐∴殴¢姑柰Б珠工咆菱す甸够张 1 っ验 ㄐ?锹河秘У楣浯猷荤雇妈咬凑 <br /> <br /> - 瓮渺饬垢妹联业葬判瓮渺饬骨苑乱纫实渺 ㄐ闼榛眯试犯岳揖嗟缌瞄吐$佃袜磷柰 甸沽帐酪兢且潦梁倜踌寿 <br /> <br /> <br /> <span style="color: red"> 河秘Я芯瞄仪输蹬焓帐压?窃典仿 : <br /> 芬с : </span> 闼槭俚 "仕幻歇要业 + 幛培?铝 夂猛 + 乱圭亭" 啻淄古肖醚椐 <br /> <span style="color: red"> 芬?摇 : </span> 闼槊朽涸脆对脆吩 "驮狗谜蚂+啶琳" 2-3 啻淄?っ验 <br /> <br /> ........................................................................................................... <br /> <br /> </span> <br /> . <span style="color: red"> </span> <br /> <span style="color: blue"></span></span><span class="gensmall"><br /><br />帷殇ⅳ醚椐守捶橐骡绰 kimzagass 嗔阻 14/07/2023 10:14 am, 帷殇⒎验?链 2 っ验?/span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2" width="150" align="left" valign="middle"><span class="nav"><a href="#top" class="nav">∨押浠㈤咬汗</a></span></td> <td class="row2" width="100%" height="28" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="18" width="18"> <tr> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_profile_mode_viewprofile_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_profile.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> <a href="/modules_name_Private_Messages_file_index_mode_post_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_pm.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting"疏Б枰鞘颐疏枪笛? 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12/07/2009<br />低? 11567<br /></span><br /></td> <td class="row1" width="100%" height="28" valign="top"><table class="tableFixed" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="100%"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_viewtopic_p_36101_36101.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/icon_minipost.jpg" width="12" height="9" alt="vsin sports betting"低? border="0" /></a><span class="postdetails">低? 14/07/2023 7:35 am<span class="gen"> </span>   ?柰∶蟹匍: </span></td> <td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_posting_mode_quote_p_36101.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_quote.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><span class="postbody">. <br /> . <br /> <span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: normal"> <span style="font-weight: bold"> 酚嗯 : </span> <br /> - 豆辜枰顾归沂枪 (洪夜) 乓绰咬 ⒐掖∏橐 10 砰褪枪⊙逛撮 <br /> - 咀楣氛璐凸 归铀归医逛凌疯橇 <br /> - づ艇? (涫殇¤) ?幻蟹夜艰夜斯橐是 (洪夜) 琳归拥磐椿 <br /> - 琳阂匆琶粤拭秀故枪 琳归拥磐椿 <br /> - 琳蕾啖曳咬敌茄沟、艇是 芬У星压屯、艇是 (2 刨? 髓咬ㄒ∈枪 1-2  . <br /> - 淞枇这莽б雇氐室恕妹 <br /> - 猛菏枪 撮夜嗨棺土账临韬橐 氛栲伺淄 3 撮夜酚挂㈤仪 <br /> <br /> <br /> </span> <br /> <br /> .</span><span class="gensmall"></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row1" width="150" align="left" valign="middle"><span class="nav"><a href="#top" class="nav">∨押浠㈤咬汗</a></span></td> <td class="row1" width="100%" height="28" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="18" width="18"> <tr> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="/modules_name_Forums_file_profile_mode_viewprofile_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_profile.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting" title="vsin sports betting" border="0" /></a> <a href="/modules_name_Private_Messages_file_index_mode_post_u_18.html" title="vsin sports betting"><img src="/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/images/lang_thai/icon_pm.jpg" alt="vsin sports betting"疏Б枰鞘颐疏枪笛? 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